The American Church in Berlin is a liturgical congregation. The word liturgy means “work of the people.”
Leading and assisting worship is not just the work of pastors, but of many others as well. Our acolytes, communion assistants, greeters, lectors, ushers, and choirs help us offer the most complete worship experience to God.
ACB uses SignupGenius to allow members to volunteer as a worship assistant.
Worship Assistant

Help us provide a wonderful worship service by signing up as a volunteer for the services.
- Greeters/Ushers
- Audio/Video
- Lector/Prayer
- Flower Donation
- Worship Coordinator
- Children’s Time
- Acolytes
- Tellers
- Nursery
- Communion Prep
- Communion Assistants
- Coffee Hour
Your help is greatly appreciated!
You can also participate in the following areas:


- Laib & Seele (food distribution)
- Ethiopia Mission Project
- India Mission Project
- South Africa Mission Project

Our Teams
