Taste and see that the Lord is good! (Psalm 34:8)
We are well into the new year now, and as the time flies we are looking forward to all sorts of new ways that God is showing up in our midst, inviting us to ‘taste and see’ God’s goodness.
For me, Pastoral Intern Rachel, the most exciting development is that ACB will finally start to have “Celebrate Sundays!” Ever since I arrived in Berlin in August 2019 and started meeting people and immersing myself in this community, the one thing I heard from everyone I talked to was that they craved more time for community, more opportunities to get to know the people of ACB and build deeper relationships. As those individual conversations continued on in committees, council, and fellowship circles, more and more folks came on board with the idea of periodically combining services in order to have a unified worship and time for fellowship over a shared meal. After much time, deliberation, brainstorming, and planning, we are excited to try out these quarterly Celebrate Sundays.
On the first Sunday of March, June, and September, the entire ACB community will come together for one service followed by a potluck meal. These Sundays give us a chance to Celebrate all that makes ACB the dynamic community that we are -through study, worship, and fellowship.
There will be:
10:30 -Bible Study
11:00 -Coffee, tea, and snacks
12:00 -Worship Service with Holy Communion
13:00 -Potluck lunch (please bring a dish to share!)